“Nice to Meet You?”


The Problem:

You go to a party, you are having a great time, then the following happens: You see a friend of a friend whom you have seen more than your own mother and they say “Oh hi, nice to meet you.” (my reaction on the inside: Oh hell no girl! Hold my earrings, imma teach this girl a lesson), but I give a fake smile, say hello and nod instead. The alternative is reminding them you have met before, but I’d rather watch a Murder She Wrote marathon.

Nothing gets under my skin more than that statement. You are not the Pope, you know a total of 10 people in your life, maybe 20 on Facebook but half of those happen to be your aunts and uncles. It can’t be that hard to remember that you’ve seen me before. You don’t even have to remember my name, just that you have seen me before. Don’t worry I’m not Batman, my identity is not a secret.

The Solution:

Make a conscious effort to remember the people you meet, you never know who you might be disrespecting. Till then listen to Sarah Mclachlan’s – I will remember you, every time after you meet someone. I promise you wont forget anyone after that.

Till next time, be safe and keep hating!

4 thoughts on ““Nice to Meet You?”

  1. Some obviously don’t get how better it is to actually pay attention to others, not only to their own selves haha


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