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15 thoughts on “About

  1. I’m not offended. I just don’t understand the title of your blog. (Yes, I know what the words mean. 🙂 ) Although I guess Enigma of Really Dislike or Enigma of Really Annoying probably wouldn’t work. I’m really glad I didn’t come over to find a screed against anything political or social. I am waiting to be enlightened. 🙂


    1. hahaah I am pleased you are not offended. The main reason I chose it cause it felt like it had a nice flow. Other reasons include, I really like batman and the riddler’s last name is Enigma so it kind of started from there haha, and i have always though of hate as a funny subject, people use it so often for things they don’t really actually hate, so I find it to be a puzzling term and if used as a noun then Enigma of Hate makes more sense, so in this case we will treat Hate as a noun 🙂 Hope that makes even a little bit of sense, as explaining this is turning out to be an enigma in itself. I also would assure you I would never get into politics and social issues this is just for fun and o point out funny things people do!

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